Tuesday 13 October 2009

Letter to the editor

I want to express through this letter my sincere congratulations to Ms. Johnson.

I haven't heard about a person so committed with education for a long time. I really appreciate her commitment with those children who are in real danger of getting disrupted with the awful things they see in their everyday lives.

I've heard that Ms.Johnson has done a great and beautiful job with those kids. She has given them a reason to study and to get interested in their own academic progress. That should be a really hard work considering that those children's enviroment is the perfect distraction because they can get the "easy money" or they could get involved in some serious problem or they can maybe just quit school. So, getting them interested and concious that their future is in their own hands is a really valuable job.

She has shown to everybody her skills at teaching, she has shown herself and what kind of professional is she, and I could say, even not knowing her , that she is an excellent professional and excellent person as well.

In my point of view, she is the perfect model to other teachers who really want to make a change in youth thoughts and thinking.

Of course that there always be demotivated teachers but the best thing we can do is to keep believing in Education and believing that people who works in it and are interested in to will make a change , a huge change in the end.

Congratulations Ms. Johnson, you're an inspiration to us.

Friday 2 October 2009

My Favorite Piece of Art

ok ...first of all I have to say that I don't have a favorite pice of art.

I kind of like many pieces of art, actually If you dind't know, I used to paint a lot when I was a little younger.Now I don't have enough time to do it and even If I wanted to, I don't have enough money either, because you know that t opaint with oil is really expensive.

Well, this painting is called " The Sea Birds" by Mark Shasha.

I actually painted something very very similar to this painting and I really like seeing it.

I have to say that the beach is a place I like a lot. When I was a little child I used to go to the beach very often. I usually went with my family: my parents and my brothers.

I have special feelings for it because I used to play just with my father (my mother was always taking care of my brothers) and ...I spent so many beautiful moments with my father in the beach that now , every time I walk by the seashore I remember my father.

If you read this I'm sure you're going to think that this "story" is very sad but is not.

Actually I think it is beautiful that you never forget a person you loved more than everything.